Kickstart your productivity: 7 Effectiveness boosts (Doc & Postdoc Qualification Program)


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  • hochgeladen 6. Juni 2023

How can you deal with your time optimally – when working on large research projects? This video introduces you to the most effective principles of good time management. You will learn about long-term and short-term planning, and about the value of daily kissing your frog.

00:00 Introduction – 7 Effectiveness boosts
01:51 Have crystal clear goals and a long term schedule
16:08 Use daily plans
20:20 Kiss your frog – every single day
27:50 Stop procrastinating
31:00 Start with babysteps
35:00 Concentrate deeply
46:14 Build powerful habits
1:00:03 Review
BOOKS (in English and German)

Allen, David (2001): Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. Penguin Books
Allen, David (2015): Wie ich die Dinge geregelt kriege: Selbstmanagement für den Alltag | Zum Erfolg mit der Getting Things Done Methode (GTD), PIPER
Newport, Cal (2016): Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World. Grand Central Publishing
Newport, Cal (2017): Konzentriert arbeiten: Regeln für eine Welt voller Ablenkungen. Redline.

Clear, James (2018): Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. Penguin Books.
Clear, James (2020): Die 1%-Methode - Minimale Veränderung, maximale Wirkung: Mit kleinen Gewohnheiten jedes Ziel erreichen.

SOFTWARE recommendations for daily planning

Microsoft To-Do


masterplan template – an Excel template that allows you to plan long term (Gantt chart)

habit tracker doc – a PDF that you can print out for each new habit you want to install to track your progress
STORIES on creating useful habits

She read one paper each day – for 899 days. The story of Olivia Rissland.

She re-arranged water and sugar containing soda drinks in a Boston hospital cafeteria. The story of Anne Thorndike.


Dr. Matthias Mayer