Solar flares: Dynamics of energy release, particle acceleration and energy partitions

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    • hochgeladen 21. Mai 2024

    Solar flares are explosive phenomena that cover a range of heights in the solar atmosphere. Flares

    are observed as transient brightenings throughout the electromagnetic spectrum that may last from a

    few seconds to many hours and display a multitude of appearances over various phases of their

    development. The solar flares release their energy via still poorly understood magnetic reconnection

    in the solar corona. In this talk I will present the methodology and current state-of-the-art of coronal

    magnetic field and plasma measurements in flares with microwave imaging spectroscopy data. I will

    give examples of evolving maps of coronal magnetic field, describe the regions showing the most

    prominent decay of the magnetic field releasing the free energy that drives the flare phenomenon,

    evaluate efficiency of the nonthermal particle acceleration and trapping, demonstrate how these new

    constraints help devising 3D models of solar flares, and discuss evolution of the energy partitions in

    the course of the flare.